Racing Engines

Currently, Aircooled Technology is NOT accepting new competitive racers to support with our “Race Prepped” engines.

If you have a desire for a vw racing engines check back frequently to see if our schedule has any slots available to support your “habit”. Feel free to read below about our racing past and to gain an understanding of what we think it takes to be an effective racer with an aircooled powerplant.

Len Hoffman’s F Production SCCA racer equipped with Aircooled Technology power! This car campaigned through 2010 before we gave up to start a family!

We have engine programs for every HARDCORE racer!!
The word “Racing” means high speeds, competition and the desire to find yourself on the podium or winner’s circle. Of course, no race gets there without broken parts along the way, serious disappointments, or without risks. At Raby’s Aircooled Technology, we do not base our entire business on vw race engine builders, but more for the street enthusiast that wants the most for their investment. The vw racing engines that we do complete are unparalleled!
I am definitely one for high speeds, risk-taking, wild driving techniques and abusing equipment and trying to kill engines. I have never had the time, nor the money to seriously compete in any motorsports myself, but I have experienced everything from Go Kart racing as a kid, to mud racing with rail buggies, drag racing engines for sale on Friday nights with my bug killing V8s and Road Racing my Porsche’s. To date, by far my favorite racing venue is Road Racing as it is the ultimate endurance test for the engine/vehicle as well as driver skill. Since I have competed (at some level) in most every type of racing I know the goals of each type and what the engine would need to be competitive.
Choose a racer for the side bar menu to see their cars and read about their RAT racing experiences.

Mike Keats at an Autocross with 210HP of RAT superiority!

Competition is and always has been the BEST way to put any part, engine, device or driver to the test. When I started a vw race engine program I had the same ideas in mind that Porsche did with their factory sponsored vehicles. This was the fact that they used the race vehicles to test and practically apply new developments in seriously demanding applications that would be adapted to their street vehicles. Perhaps one of the best examples of this was the fact that even the 917 Porsche had a fully synchronized gearbox and did so while making 1200+ HP in the early 1970s. This was unheard of with Road race cars of the era but a fine example that Porsche used their race vehicles to develop their street vehicles.

Of course, Racin’ is risky and sometimes things don’t go as planned. We have had race engines explode and become 100% destroyed in less than 3 seconds. When this happens we hate it, but at the same time we tear into the situation and find the source and learn from it, then apply it. If it’s something that was our fault- we don’t make the same mistake again! BUT, that’s why they call it Racin! In these tough conditions where the driver has to drive and cannot watch gauges, or listen for sounds a small problem can become HUGE in a split second and can cost big money to repair even with our sponsorships.

Mark Peebles sported an early RAT Race engine in his FP 914 back in 1999-2003!

So, if you are a dedicated racer, no matter what you drive or what class it is raced in we want to talk to you about what our dedication, enthusiasm and developments can do for you. Our strongest interests are in Road Racing (especially PCA and SCCA competitors), Autocross and Off Road Racing. Our favorite vehicle, the Porsche 914 is a competitive vehicle in these classes and we have developed many engine programs for these cars especially in class limited prep such as F production. These production engines are highly tuned and make 100HP per liter,(180 HP from 1.8 liters of displacement is a standard) they turn 8,000+ RPM and are very demanding, but fun to build. Here at RAT we work with Len Hoffman and sponsor his Porsche 914 in SCCA F Production. In 2009 we were the SARRC Championship runner up earning 5 SARRC wins in the regular season. Look for more of Len’s FP SCCA Porsche 914 here in the future.

The Bluebonic Plague is the original “Aircooled Technology” race car, shown here after a 3,450 mile cross country trek where it still clicked off a 94MPH pass in the 1/4 mile!

If you need not just the power to get into that winner’s circle, but the longevity to do so consistently then you need our services and if we both can agree to a sponsorship that benefits us both we’ll do our best to put you at the front of the pack! Remember that power is easy to make and does you no good if you can’t keep the engine together to the checkered flag!!!

Jake Raby